Nov 4, 2013

Little bit about other stuff / New in

U prošlom postu sam spomenula kako trenutačno tražim posao i stoga nemam vremena za bloganje. Ali ipak dolazi vrijeme kad ću se moći ponovno tome više posvetiti pa ću sada pokazati koje sam druge sitnice nedavno kupila. Uglavnom se radi o stvarčicama za pravljenje keksića, svijećama i par komada modnih dodataka. Možda netko smatra da ovo nije ništa posebno, ali mene male stvari čine sretnom! Pogotovo kada pojedine stvarčice mogu učiniti sretnima i moju obitelj i prijatelje :)

So in last post I mentioned how I'm currently looking for job and don't have time for blogging. But nontheless I'm going to show you few things recently bought. These are things for baking cookies, few candles for my room and some accessorize. Maybe this is nothing special but small things make me happy! Especially when with some of these things I can make happy mine family and friends :)

1. Minnie Mouse pot
2. 8 Different Cookie Cutters
U trgovini Casa Mia uvijek imaju fora stvarčice za kuhinju i dom. Tako sam našla ovaj preslatki lončić na Minnie za 60kn i nešto što već dugo tražim - različite oblike za radit kekse za 70kn čija je veličina taman, obično je ono što sam nalazila bilo premaleno ili preveliko.
In store Casa Mia there are always cool stuff for the kitchen and home. So I found this cute mug on the Minnie for 60HRK and something that I've been looking for a long time - different cutters for making biscuits whose size is just right, usually what I found was either too small or too big. Price 70HRK.

3. Bear Shape for Cookies
Ovaj ogromni kalup sam kupila u Trstu za 1,50. Zgodno je što ima ovu prečkicu s kojom se keks može lakše izbaciti iz kalup nakon što je gotov. Jedva čekam isprobati! Ako imate kakve dobre recepte za kekse slobodno ih podijelite u komentarima :)
This huge bear shaped cookie maker I bought in Trieste for 1.50€. It's convenient that it has this crossbar with which cookies can be more easily ejected from the maker after baking. I can not wait to try this one! If you have any good recipes for biscuits be free to share them in the comments :)

Sugared Apple
Red Apple Wreath
Ove svijeće su božanstvene! Manja je bila 1,80, a veća 2,50. Manje je u biti mirisni vosak kojeg se treba staviti iznad obične svijeće i tijekom zagrijavanja ispušta predivan miris. U biti kada sam došla pred njihovu policu nisam znala što odabrati zbog malog buđeta kojeg sam dobila. Idući put ću sigurno uzeti više para i kupiti njihove velike tegle :)
These candles are gorgeous! Smaller was 1.80€ and bigger 2.50€. Smaller is a plain scented wax which you put on top of plain candle and as it gets warmer scent fill the room. When I got in front of their shelves I didn't know what to choose because of the small budget. Next time, I'll definitely take more money and buy their large jars :)

5. Black Hand Knitted Hat from Barts
Kupila sam je u Trstu za 23. Jako je mekan što i ne čudi pošto u sastavu ima vune. Također me iznenadilo i oduševilo to što na donjem rubu s unutranje strane kapa ima pojačanje u vidu mikrofibre što ju čini još toplijom i ugodnijom za nošenje, a i uši će biti dodatno zaštićene. Ručno je pletena i to je bio apsolutni plus prilikom kupovine.
I bought it in Trieste for 23€. It's very soft, which is not surprising since it's made of wool. I was also surprised and delighted that on the lower edge of the inner side of the hat was a reinforcement in the form of microfiber fabric which makes it even warmer and more comfortable to wear, and ears are more protected. It's hand knitted which was an absolute plus when shopping.

6. H&M Black Balconette Bra
Kupljen na 50% sniženju - dodatni razlog za sreću!
Bought on sale - one more thing to be happy about!

7. Calzedonia Tights with Venezia Motives

8. H&M Long Black Necklace
Ova ogrlica je također ugrabljena na sniženju. Samo 20kn, a jako lijepo upotpunjuje većinu kombinacija.
This necklace was also snatched on sale. Only 20HRK. Completes most combinations really nice.

Ciao belle! :*

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