Nov 24, 2013

Cro A Porter Show - 4th day

Zadnji dan je bio podosta uzbudljiv!
The last day of this show was really exciting!

1. Teo P. za Mak
Inspiriran materijalima koji prizivaju duh prošlih vremena te s uzorcima koji daju dašak nekadašnjeg glamura, Teo naglašava teksturu upotrebom materijala poput pliša, vune, šišanog krzna i svile. Žena je nježna, elegantna i snažna.
Inspired by materials that evoke the spirit of past times and the patterns that give a touch of glamour, Teo emphasizes texture by using materials such as velvet, wool, silk and fur. A woman is gentle, elegant and powerful.

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2. Sonja Lamut
Vizija žene koja uspješno kombinira stil i udobnost. Klasični zimski materijali, tvid i vuna, često u tartan uzorku savršeno su se uklopili u estetiku jasno definiranih krojeva. Lamut ženu odijeva u ležerne kapute i vunene haljine, a predimenzioniranim kapama i šalovima im osigurava dozu zaigranosti.

The vision of a woman who successfully combines style and comfort. The classic winter materials, tweed and wool, often in a tartan pattern perfectly fit the aesthetics of clearly defined cuts. Lamut  dressed woman in casual jackets and woolen dresses and oversized hats and scarves provides them with a dose of playfulness.

slike preuzete: link

3. Boris Pavlin
Predimenzionirane, tople, vunene veste u zemljanih tonovima kombinirane s hlačama pomaknutih krojeva, definiraju snažnog, robusnog, ali i pomalo nježnog muškarca.

Oversized, warm, woolen sweaters in earthy tones combined with pants shifted cuts, define a strong, robust, but somewhat gentle man.

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4. Twins
Duge večernje haljine zagasitih tonova, crveni tartan uzorci i maštovita pretvorba tapiserija seoskih kuća u nosive odjevne komade, svrstale su dizajnere u mlade nade od kojih se s nestrpljenjem očekuju buduće kolekcije.
Long evening dresses dark shades, red tartan patterns and imaginative conversion tapestry of village houses in wearable clothing items, grouped these young designers in group of whom we'll eagerly await future collections.

slike preuzete: link

5. Zigman
Inspiriran Botticellievim i Da Vincievim djelima te renesansom paletom boja, Zigman je predstavio uzbudljivu kolekciju. Njegova žena je i dalje samouvjerena seksi ratnica urbane džungle.
Inspired by the Botticelli and Da Vincie works and renaissance color palette, Zigman has introduced an exciting collection. His woman is still confident sexy warrior of urban jungle.

slike preuzete: link

Ciao belle! :*

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