Nakon, od 23.-26.10.2013. održavao se Cro A Porter! Idućih par postova pratit će upravo predstavljanje mnogobrojnih dizajnera kroz četiri dana. Pa krenimo s prvim danom:
After, Cro A Porter was held from 23.-26.10.2013.! The next few posts will follow presentation of designers throughout the four days. So let's start with the first day:
1. Nebo
Cijelom revijom protezao se duh noir filmova. Unatoč retro referenci vidljivoj kod gotovo svakog komada, njihovim kaputima, suknjama i dugim drapiranim haljinama nije nedostajala ni doza modernosti. Pretežno crni i sivi tonovi sigurno će pronaći poklonice među poslovnim ženama.
The whole fashion show had the spirit of noir films. Despite the retro references visible in nearly every piece, their coats, skirts and long draped dresses didn't miss dose of modernity. Mostly black and gray tones will certainly find admirers among business women.
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2. Manuel Maligec
Koristio se najrazličitijim materijalima - koža, krzno, transparentna plastika i svila. Ove sezone kolekcija je monokromatska sa dodatkom metalik srebrne. Glavni komadi, koji se u nekoliko varijanti protežu kolekcijom, je bijela košulja te duge haljine s prorezom.
He used various materials - leather, fur, silk and transparent plastic. This season's collection is monochromatic with touch of metallic silver. The main pieces, which in several variants extends throught collection, a white shirt and long dresses.
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3. Jet Lag
Inspiracija za kolekciju dolazi iz New Yorka. Komadi su ležerni, a opet posebni zbog detalja izgrađenih geometrijskim simbolima. Kolekcijom prevladavaju hlače, sweatshirt majice i haljine te parke. Odlične frizure i modni dodaci poput pilotskih kapa i avijatičarskih naočala.
The inspiration for the collection comes from New York. The pieces are casual, yet special because of details of constructed geometric symbols. The collection main focus were pants, sweatshirt and t-shirt dresses and parks. Great hairstyles and fashion accessories such as pilot hat and aviator glasses.
The inspiration for the collection comes from New York. The pieces are casual, yet special because of details of constructed geometric symbols. The collection main focus were pants, sweatshirt and t-shirt dresses and parks. Great hairstyles and fashion accessories such as pilot hat and aviator glasses.
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4. Tatjana Pantoš
Ideja je nađena je u punku i modi iz osamdesetih. Najzastupljeniji materijal u kolekciji je crna koža koja se provlači kroz svaki komad, barem kao obrub. Dizajnerica je kožu iskombinirala s metalik leopard uzorkom, koji smo ponovno mogli vidjeti i u drugom djelu kolekcije, ovaj puta kombiniranog s bijelom bojom.
The idea was formed from punk and fashion of the 80's. The most common material in the collection is a black leather running through each piece, at least as an outline. Designer combined leather with metallic leopard pattern, we could see in the second part of the collection, this time combined with white.
The idea was formed from punk and fashion of the 80's. The most common material in the collection is a black leather running through each piece, at least as an outline. Designer combined leather with metallic leopard pattern, we could see in the second part of the collection, this time combined with white.
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5. Vain
Inspiracija za kolekciju potražena je također u nekim prošlim modnim dekadama. Uz crnu i bijelu boju, koje su dominirale kolekcijom, dvojac iz Vaina predlaže zlatnu boju i transparentne komade.
The inspiration for the collection is also from some past fashion decades. With black and white, which dominated the collection, the duo from Vain also proposes a golden color and transparent pieces.
The inspiration for the collection is also from some past fashion decades. With black and white, which dominated the collection, the duo from Vain also proposes a golden color and transparent pieces.
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6. Matija Vuica
Ova pomalo kostimografska kolekcija obilovala je različitim dekorativnim elementima poput perja, perli, korzeta i visokih ovratnika, zbog čega haljine djeluju jako luksuzno i ženstveno. U vječno elegantne siluete unijela je sitne promjene kako bi prilagodila svoju ‘Lady X’ najrazličitijim ulogama - crni labud, nježna balerina ili elegantna zavodnica. Ova Matijina modna bajka se ističe kao jedna od najuspješnijih.
This costumographic collection was full of various decorative elements like feathers, beads, corsets and high collar, making clothes look very luxurious and feminine. To the eternally elegant silhouette she brought a small change to adapt her 'Lady X' to various roles - black swan, delicate ballerina or elegant vamp. This fashion fairy tale stands out as one of the most successful.
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Ciao belle! :*
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