Jul 20, 2013

Vogue Eyewear / New In

Jedna zanimljiva stvar koju ne znate o meni je i ta da nosim naočale za vid :) Još od četvrtog osnovne imam problema s vidom, bolje rečeno kratkovidna sam i apsolutno ništa ne vidim bez vidnih pomagala. Prije dvije godine (da, dosta kasno - u biti sam imala neke svoje ni meni jasne strahove i odbojnosti) prebacila sam se na leće i od tada samo njih nosim, dok mi naočale služe za "po doma", kad imam upalu oka (što se zna dogoditi jer ipak imam, koliko god bile lijepe, najosjetljivije oči - plave oči) i za učenje. Tako da taj okvir nije bio reprezentativan pogotovo jer sam ga imala još od početka fakulteta. 
Promjena dioptrije (doduše minimalna - jeeeij! :)) traži nova stakla, a to je i dobro vrijeme za promjenu okvira. Dioptrijski okviri mogu promijeniti cijeli imidž. Zato takva promjena meni dosta znači, a to se vidi prema tome kako svakih par godina kada se odlučim za promjenu (što i nije lako jer kombinacija novih stakla i okvira dođe jako puno, pa i ta materijalna strana dosta sputava) odabirem ono za što sam pred par godina govorila da definitivno neću ili da mi ne stoji :) Tako sam govorila da plastične okvire nikada neću imati... a vidjet ćete sa čime sam završila hahah

 Osjećam se kao druga osoba kada stavim nove okvire. Neki filing sazrijevanja, novih mogućnosti, novih razmišljanja... Da da, sve to proizlazi iz jednog okvira :)

Isprobala sam ih na tisuće, potraga je trajala skoro dva tjedna, ali tek kada sam ušla u optiku Šahini sam uspjela!
Meni su fenomenalni. Imaju svoju funkcionalnost, ali i odličan dizajn. Pripadaju novoj Vogue Eyewear kolekciji pa ako ste u potrazi svakako pitajte optičare i za ovu marku - ove godine imaju odličan izbor. Daju određeni chic dojam, nešto drugačije. Definitivno ovo više neće biti naočale za "po doma", njih ću nositi i vani kad zaželim drugačiji look.


One interesting thing  you don't know about me is that I'm wearing prescription glasses :) Since I was in elementary school I had vision problems, I'm short-sighted and absolutely can not see anything without visual help. Two years ago (yes, it's very late - in fact I had some fears and resentments I can't explain), I switched on the contact lenses, since then I only wear them and my glasses are for home usage, when I have a sore eye (which tends to happen because I have, as they may be beautiful, sensitive eyes - blue eyes) and for learning. So the frame was not representative, especially I had it since the beginning of college.
My diopters changed (although this time it's minimal moderation - jeeeij :)) so I needed new glasses, and this was a good time to change the frame. New frame on face changes the whole image of a person. Therefore, this change means a lot to me. Every few years when I decide to change frame (which is not easy cause the combination of new glass and the frame is very expensive) I select those which few years ago I said I definitely don't want :) So I said I'll never have plastic frames ... and you'll see what I ended up with hahah

I feel like a different person when I put new frame. Feeling of maturing, new opportunities, new thinking... Yes, this all arises from one frame :)

Tried thousands of them and pursuit lasted for nearly two weeks, but only when I entered the optics Šahini here in Rijeka, I succeeded!
I think they are phenomenal. Have its functionality, but also excellent design. They are from the new Vogue Eyewear collection, so if you're looking for new frames be sure to ask for this brand - this year they have a great selection. This frames give the impression of chic, something different. Definitely, they will be no more glasses "for home", I'll wear them out when I wish for different look.

Na Vogue stranici šifra ovog modela je: VO2748, Color Code W656
On Vogue website code for this frame model is: VO2748, Color Code W656

Kako izgledam s njima na nosu pokažem kada mi dođu od optičara koji ugrađuje moje nove oči :)
I'll show you how I look with them on my nose when they come from optician who is putting my new eyes in them :)

Ciao belle! :*

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