Jul 13, 2013

Graduation Day / Outfit

Došao je i taj magičan dan. 9.7.2013. diplomirala sam i postala mag.pharm.
Uz puno stresa i nervoze, koji obično prate takve važne trenutke, a potom uz puno sreće, euforije i veselja dočekala sam završetak jednog poglavlja u mom životu. Bilo je teško, puno učenja i neprospavanih noći, ali sam upoznala divne ljude, naučila sam biti samostalna i ojačala na svim razinama.
Šta će mi budućnost donijeti ćemo tek vidjeti, ali nadam se pozitivnom iskustvu :)

A sad prijeđimo na ono što nas zanima. Odjeća i obuća.
Sjećate se Zarine haljine i cipela koje sam kupila na sniženju? E pa oni su bili glavni akteri u cijeloj ovoj priči. Tamnoplava boja mi postaje omiljena boja iako sam tek sada počela popunjavati ormar s njom. 
Drugi važni dio priče bila je frizura zbog koje sam dobila hrpu pohvala, a mogu je zahvaliti jedinoj i najdražoj frizerki Moniki iz frizerskog studija Signed by Monika. Došla sam na feniranje, a završila s punđom :) Vjerujte bio je pothvat spavati s njom na glavi (jer je friz rađen u ponedjeljak), ali Monika zna svoj posao i nije bilo šanse da se frizuri išta desi. Toliko je dobro napravljena da sam ju tek danas, nakon 5 dana, raspustila!! Čak je mentorica komentirala da sam ista Audrey Hepburn - meni je to kompliment nad komplimentima :)


Finally came that magical day. 9.7.2013 I graduated and became mag.pharm.
With a lot of stress and anxiety, which usually accompany such important moments, and then with a lot of happiness, euphoria and joy I welcomed the end of one chapter in my life. It was hard, a lot of learning and sleepless nights, but I've met wonderful people, learned to be independent and strengthened at all levels.
What will my future bring remains to be seen, but I hope for positive experiences :)

Now let's go to what interests us - clothing and footwear.
Remember Zara clothes and shoes that I bought on sale? Well, they were the main protagonists in this story. Dark blue is becoming my favorite color, although I've just started to fill closet with her.
Another important part of the story was a hairstyle for which I've gotten a bunch of compliments, and I can thank to one and only hairdresser Monika from hairdressing studio Signed by Monika. I came just to wash and blow my hair, and ended up with a bun :) Trust me, it was a hard to sleep with that on my the head (as the style was made on Monday), but Monika knows her job and there was no chance that anything could happen to hairstyle. It's so well done that, after 5 days, I loose my hair down! Even my professor commented I was looking like Audrey Hepburn - the best compliment ever! :)

Lilies in bouquet - my favourite flowers :)

dress - Zara
heels - Zara
purse - Mango
sunglasses - Police
earrings - Accessorize

Ciao belle! :*

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