Jul 10, 2013


Jednostavni post o tome što sam sve fino jela u zadnje vrijeme. Nadam se da ćete sliniti zbog fotki i da ćete se odlučiti otići na mjesta na kojima sam bila. Hrana je sastavni i važan dio naših života (uostalom bez hrane ne bi bili živi :D), a kada ispunjava sve kriterije, od fenomenalnog okusa do super izgleda, onda možemo u tim najvažnijim trenucima u potpunosti uživati! 


Simple post about nice food I ate lately. Hope you will drool cause of photos and that you'll decide to go to places where I've been. Food is an integral and important part of our lives (after all, without food we wouldn't be alive :D), and when it meets the criteria of the phenomenal flavor up to looking great, then we can fully enjoy in these most important moments!

U Zagrebu se otvorila bečka slastičarnica Aida. Kako mi je Beč predivan grad (i mislim da bi tamo mogla živjeti) onda sam otišla okusiti taj austrijski dašak :) Odlična čokoladna torta imena Maroko! Cijene jesu paprene, ali isplati se probati.

Viennese pastry Aida opened in Zagreb few weeks ago. Vienna is the most beautiful city (and I think I could live there), so I went to taste a bit of the Austrian touch :) Great chocolate cake named Morocco! Prices are peppery, but worth a try.

Ovo je jedan složena kojeg sam sama radila. Osnova su puretina nascjekana na komadiće i krumpir narezan na ploškice. Sve zaliveno s puno vrhnja i posipano sa sirom. Za kraj zapečeno u pećnici :) Jednostavno, a jako ukusno!

This is one casserole that I made. Basis is chopped turkey and potatoes cut into slices. All seasoned with lots of cream and sprinkled with cheese. In the end, baked in the oven :) Simple and very tasty!

Ovo što slijedi su jela iz restorana Na Kantunu koji se nalazi na kantunu moje zgrade!
Nalaze se u ovom prostoru još od 1998., a nedavno su od malog kantunića postali ozbiljan veliki prostor.
Meni im je baziran na ribljoj hrani, a sve sastojke nabavljaju svježe sa riječke tržnice i ribarnice. Kuhinja je tipična domaća i preukusna. Simpatična konobarica (mislim da nikad nisam srela tako ljubazno osoblje) koja nam je sve objasnila i preporučila. Pristupačne cijene su još je jedan plus da odaberete ovo mjesto bilo za marendu, ručak/večeru ili za neko slavlje.


What follows are the dishes from the restaurant Na Kantunu that is located on a corner of my building!
They are here since 1998., and recently from a small buffet became a serious large restaurant.
Menu is based on fish food, with all fresh ingredients purchased from the city market and the fish market. The kitchen is a typical domestic and tasty. Cute waitress (I think I have never met such friendly staff) that explained and recommended all. Affordable prices is another plus to choose this place for brunch, lunch or dinner or for a celebration.

Maneštra od komorača i pancete - fenomenalno! Mislim da bi samo maneštra bila dovoljna da se najedete.
Minestrone with fennel and pancetta - awesome! I think minestrone would be enough to feel full.

Dalmatinska pašticada - jedino meso koje nude i opet odlično napravljeno!
Dalmatian stew - the only meat they are offering and again well done!

Ječam s lignjama - božanstveno!
Barley with calamari - heavenly!

Pita od jabuka, smokvi i brusnica
Ne znam da li ste ikada vidjeli ovoliku pitu, ali ja nisam. I bila sam apsolutno oduševljena kada ju je konobarica donijela za stol. Naravno nisam je pojela sama jer to nije niti moguće. Ali komad koji sam pojela ostavio je snažan utisak na mene - najbolja pita ikad!!

Apple pie with figs and cranberries
I do not know if you've ever seen so big pie, but I have not. And I was absolutely thrilled when the waitress brought it to the table. Of course I didn't ate it alone because it's not even possible. But the piece that I've had left a strong impression on me - the best pie ever!

Njam, njam, njam
Om, om, om

Što ste jele u zadnje vrijeme? Neke preporuke?
What have you ate recently? Recommendations?

Ciao belle! :*

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