Jul 15, 2013

Bistro Fotić

Razlog zbog kojeg predstavljam ovaj preslatki restorančić je činjenica da sam u njemu proslavila diplomiranje. 
Bistro Fotić nalazi se u centru grada Zagreba, samo par minuta od Trga bana Jelačića i Zrinjevca, prava je oaza ukusne hrane, odlične posluge i predivnog ambijenta. Otvoreni pred par mjeseci, a već rasturaju u svakome pogledu. Pozitivna činjenica je i to da blizina Dolca garantira svježe namirnice svaki dan, a u meniju sam primijetila i dobru ponudu vegetarijanskih jela.
Prvi put kada sam bila, naručila sam pizzu. Ne sjećam se naziva, ali znam da je bila fenomenalna i ogromna (iako se radilo o maloj pizzi) tako da je na kraju nisam ni uspjela pojesti do kraja. U tom trenu sam se uhvatila razmišljajući kako bi ovaj bistro bio odličan za jednu proslavu i eto, nakon kratkog dogovaranja što bi se moglo ponuditi za taj dan, to sam i ostvarila.


The reason I present this cute little restaurant is the fact that I celebrated graduation in here.
Bistro Fotic is located in the center of Zagreb, just a few minutes from the main square and Zrinjevac, a true oasis of delicious food, excellent service and wonderful ambience. Opened a couple of months ago, and already they are rocking in every aspect. The positive fact is that closeness of market Dolac guarantees fresh food every day, and I saw good range of vegetarian dishes in the menu.
The first time I came, I ordered a pizza. I can't remember its name, but I know it was phenomenal and huge (although it was a small pizza) so in the end I didn't even managed to eat it. At that moment I caught myself thinking that this bistro would be excellent for a celebration, and so, after a brief consultation with stuff what could be offered that day, here's what I achieved.

Svježi sir poslužen s domaćim kruhom
Cottage cheese served with homemade bread

Pljukanci s rikolom i pršutom / Homemade Istrian pasta "pljukanci" with arugula and prosciutto
Takitosi sa bijelim umakom i salatom / Taqutos with white sauce and salad

Teleći medaljoni u umaku od gljiva sa kroketima
Veal medallions in mushroom sauce with croquettes

Torta koja slijedi nije iz bistroa Fotić već iz slastičarnice Amelie. Htjela sam crvenu tortu s višnjama, ali nažalost višnje nisu imali pa sam završila s malinama. Torta Valerie.
Da, jednako je fina kao što i izgleda ;)


Cake that follows is from pastry Amelie. I wanted a red cake with cherries, but unfortunately they didn't have them, so I ended up with raspberries. Cake Valerie.
And yes, it's just as fine as it looks ;)

Ciao belle! :*

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