Apr 13, 2013

Manner of speaking / Outfit

Dan je baš bio poput ove stvari Nouvelle Vaguea. Miran, opuštajuć, uz pokoji smijeh. Dan za lagani shopping. Nove cipelice, hlače i naušnice. Taman za razvedriti garderobu koja je utonula previše u zimu. Nadopunjavanje make-up torbice. Smišljanje novih proljetnih kombinacija. Penjanje po lokomotivi. Male stvari uistinu čine život veselim :)


Day's just been like this stuff of Nouvelle Vague. Peaceful, relaxing, with a few laughs. Day for easy shopping. New shoes, pants and earrings. Just to brighten wardrobe, which drifted too much into winter. Filling up my make-up bag. Planning new spring combinations. Climbing on the locomotive. Little things that make life really joyful :)

traperice/denim - Miss Sixty
sako/blaser - Calvin Klein
košulja/shirt - H&M
remen/belt - Takko
balerinke/ballet flats - no name
naušnice/earrings - no name
prsten/ring - Coffee Bean Jw

A evo i što sam kupila!
Here is what I bought!

hlače/pants - H&M
naušnice/earrings - Accessorize
cipele/shoes - Tamaris

Ciao belle! :* 

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