Apr 15, 2013

Greenpeace / Outfit

Greenpeaceov brod, točnije ledolomac Arctic Sunrise ovih je dana u Rijeci. Došao je s razlogom da podigne osviještenost o ribarstvu tj da nam otvori oči kako preveliki izlov ribe, koji se svake godine sve više povećava, neće dobro završiti za mnogobrojne vrste, a sukladno ni za nas ljude. Smatraju da je nužna potreba usmjeriti ribarstvo na održivi oblik te da je nužna financijska pomoć i podupiranje tog tipa ribarstva ukoliko želimo očuvati naša mora i oceane te sav živi svijet u njima! Brod se mogao pogledati i iznutra, ali zasad nisam stigla, nadam se sutrašnjem obilasku :) Također se može napraviti brodić s porukom kojeg će ovaj ledolomac na svojoj europskoj turneji na kraju odnijeti do vijeća EU te ih na taj način pokušati prisiliti da donesu zakone kojima bi se zaustavila daljnja devastacija života u mora.
Za kraj ovakve edukativne šetnje otišli smo se zasladiti u Choco Bar Kraš koji imaju defintivno najbolju tortu od višnje - Kraševa Griotta!


Greenpeace ship, precisely the icebreaker Arctic Sunrise is these days in Rijeka. They came with a reason to raise awareness of the fishing, that is to open our eyes to excessive catching of fish, which is getting bigger every year, and it won't end well for many species, not even for people. They find that it is a necessity to focus on sustainable fishing form and require financial assistance and support of this type of fishing if we want to preserve our oceans and all living creatures in them! The ship is able to look on the inside, but for now I didn't have time, I hope visiting tomorrow :) You could also make a small boat with a message, and this icebreaker on its European tour will carry to the EU council to try to force them to have legislation stopping further destruction of life in the sea.
For the end of this educational walk we went to sweeten in Kraš Choco Bar, who have definitely the best cherry cake - "Kraševa Griotta"!

jakna/jacket - Pimkie
košulja/shirt - vintage
traperice/denim - Mango
tenisice/sneakers - Adidas
torba/bag - David Jones
ogrlica/necklace - THE ALL
naušnice/earrings - Accessorize

p.s. Prošli tjedan sam na nagradnoj igri osvojila ovu predivnu ogrlicu brenda THE ALL talentirane Tee Momčilović. Nedavno je počela sa izradom i baš sam sretna da je jedan od prvih komada dospio baš u moje ruke. Statement komad za ljeto, ali i zimu. Ma obožavam ga već jako jako!


p.s. Last week I won on a contest this beautiful necklace, brand THE ALL by talented Tea Momcilovic. She recently started producing and I was happy that one of the first pieces arrived just in my hands. Statement piece for summer and winter. Oh, I love it, very much!

Kraševa Griotta <3

Krostata od jabuke
Apple crostata

Ciao belle! :*

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