Apr 30, 2013

Let's Get Physical

Proljeće je vrijeme kada većina cura i žena odluči dovesti se u red nakon zimskih mjeseci punih hrane, minimalne fizičke aktivnosti i slojevite odjeće koja ne otkriva baš puno o izgledu. I sada kako se ljeto bliži svi se sjete kupaćih i požele izgledati jednako dobro kao i tete s reklama. Iako je to stvarnost ipak mislim da bi zdrav život uvijek trebao biti prisutan i ne bi trebao biti tlaka ili period pred ljeto za dovođenje u formu nego stil života.
Upisala sam pilates, a u dane kada ga nemam trčim po Molo Longo. Živjela Rijeka i more! :) Nema ništa bolje od trčanja, a u blizini more i svježi morski zrak. 
Poseban režim prehrane nemam. Pazim da bude 5 obroka dnevno, ne pušim, ne pijem kavu, ne pijem gazirane sokove, ne jedem kruh i suhomesnate proizvode (osim mortadele koju stvarno volim). Sve više povrća imam na tanjuru, a posebno su mi drage razne salate lagano začinjene. Isto tako polako učim raditi maneštre na nonin način. Brzo, ukusno, hranjivo i zdravo.
Slatkog se nisam odrekla, niti smatram da se treba odricati bilo čega što volimo, samo treba paziti da nema pretjerivanja :)


Spring is the time when most girls and women decide to get back into shape after the winter months full of food, minimal physical activity and layered clothing that does not reveal much about appearance. And now that the summer time is knocking at our doors we all remember our bikins and we all want to look as good as model on commercials. While this is true, I still think that a healthy lifestyle should always be present and it should not be pressure or period of time before the summer.
I started pilates twice a week, but when I don't have it I run around Molo Longo. I love Rijeka! :) There is nothing better than running with fresh sea air breezing on my face.
I have no special diet. I am careful to have 5 meals a day, don't smoke, don't drink coffee, don't drink soda, don't eat bread or dried meat products (except mortadella which I really like). I have more vegetables on plate, especially salads. Also, slowly learning to cook minestrone grandma's way. Fast, delicious, nutritious and healthy.
I didn't give up on sweets, nor I believe that we should reject anything we like... Just make sure that there is no exaggeration. :)

Moja oprema / My sporty outfit:
1. torba/bag- edc by Esprit
2. T-shirts - Adidas
3. hlače/pants - WGW
4. tenisice/sneakers - Reebok
5. sportski grudnjak/sport bra - H&M
6. znojnici/wristbands - Adidas

Naravno bez boce pune vode nigdje, ali trenutno imam neku privremenu plastičnu bocu koja mi ne valja te se spremam za kupnju staklene boce ili plastične koja nema štetnih sastojaka (kao što su Flaška ili Equa - em su korisne em su simpatičnog dizajna) :)
Također ovom popisu treba dodati i mobitel koji mi pravi društvo kao mp3 player dok trčim!
Of course don't go anywhere without a full bottle of water. Temporary I've plastic bottle that is not good at all and I'm ready to buy glass or plastic bottle that has no harmful ingredients (such as Flaška or Equa -  useful and likeable design) :)
Also this list should contain the cell phone which keeps me company as an mp3 player while I run!

Kako se vi rekreirate? Imate li posebni režim prehrane?
How do you recreate? Do you have a special diet?

Ciao belle! :*

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