Dec 3, 2012

Gestuz autumn/winter collection 2012.

Gestuz je danski modni brend koji radi izuzetne komade odjevnih predmeta. Upoznala sam se s njima kada mi je kuma iz Njemačke donijela njihovo odijelo. Iako tada nisam znala što ću točno s njim jer se jednostavno nisam pronalazila u odijelima, ove godine sam ga izvukla iz ormara i sa oduševljenjem već par puta prošetala gradom! Modeli su im rokerski, s prevladavajućom crnom bojom i sa dosta kože, ali sveukupno jako ženstveno. Evo što kažu o sebi:

"Gestuz is inspired by backstage rock n' roll life but with a hint of elegance and sweetness. This complemented by strong and cutting edge print stories and through a small selection of handcrafted, eye-catching pieces you get a chance to stand out from the crowd. Within Gestuz there is a whole univers to be found. This is not only created by the products, but also through the attitude that follows. When wearing Gestuz you express individuality, playfulness, rawness and strength. Gestuz fits every state of mind. If you feel like being outrageous, sexy, ladylike or merely unique in your own personal sense. Gestuz has a mission that is to let the consumer discover its own personal style. This is done by creating styles that express the moment while at the same time allowing for fair prices. This creates diversity within the Gestuz universe, which is important since Gestuz is not aimed to fit just one personality."

Nekako mi tamne boje i rock'n'roll stil najbolje odgovaraju tokom zimskih mjeseci. Stoga ne čudi moje oduševljenje njihovom kolekcijom za jesen i zimu '12./'13. 
Oprez - brdo fotki! :)

*sve je preuzeto sa Gestuz press centra

Ciao belle! :*

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