Napokon sam završila s rokovima, svi ispiti su dani i sada slijedi pisanje diplomskog. Mislim da me nijedni rokovi nisu iscrpili do sada kao ovi. Valjda zbog činjenice jer sam davala zadnje ispite ikad. Iz istog razloga postova nije bilo puno, nisam imala vremena niti volje niti živaca za smišljanje ičega. Kombinacije su se sastojale od čizama, traperica, nabacivanja prve čiste majice i zabundavanja u skafander.
Tako da sam prošli vikend odmarala, tu i tamo koja cuga i odlazak u kino jer sam preumorna za neka veća slavlja i partijanja (doduše ni vrijeme nije išlo na ruku za takve egzibicije). Pa evo jedna brzinska kombinacija. Obožavam pelerine. Jedini je problem bio kako obući pelerinu i još preko skafander. Opcija izlaska samo u pelerini nije dolazila u obzir pošto je vani snijeg uporno padao, pa sam se dosjetila da mogu podvrnuti rukave i tako se jednostavnije "upakirati" u skaf. :)
Odlučila sam od sada pisati i na engleskom.
Također, ako niste vidjeli, stavila sam Bloglovin dodatak, kao i mogućnost praćenja preko Weheartit and Pinterest aplikacija. Promijenila sam mrvicu i naziv bloga, a i dizajn (iako će na tom polju biti još promjena i dorada).
I finally ended with my deadlines fo college, all exams are given, and now is time to write what we call "diplomski" - my last work before graduation. I think that this deadlines have been exhausted so far like no other. Probably due to the fact I was giving last exams ever. For the same reasons there weren't a lot of posts, I did not have the time or the nerves to come up with anything. Combos were made of boots, jeans, first clean shirt taken from wardrobe and wrapping up in coat.
So I rested last weekend, and here and there going out for drink and to the movies because I'm too tired for a larger celebrations and partying (even though the weather was not keen on the idea of me getting out and have some fun). So here's a quick combination. I love ponchos. The only problem was how to dress poncho over my coat. Leaving only in poncho was out of the question because there was snowing, so I figured out that I can tuck up the sleeves which made it easier to "pack" myslef into jacket. :)
I decided to write in English. Maybe now I'll get more feedback from foreign readers.
Also put new Bloglovin,Weheartit and Pinterest buttons so you can like me and follow me on that apps too!
Also put new Bloglovin,Weheartit and Pinterest buttons so you can like me and follow me on that apps too!

Pelerina/Poncho - Benetton
Majica/Shirt - no name
Jeans - Mango
Čizme/Boots - Timberland
Šal/Scarf - H&M
Kapa/Hat - from Istanbul Bazaar
Torba/Bag - David Jones
Ogrlica/Necklace - Accessorize
Narukvica/Bracelet - gift
Sat/Watch - DKNY
A ovako izgleda kada namjestiš pelerinu pa možeš navući i skafander, smiješno, ali praktično:
Do you like to wear poncho? :)
Ciao belle! :*
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