Apr 27, 2014

Stancija Kovačići in Rukavac

For Easter lunch we went to Stancija Kovačići restaurant. It's located in a divine little place called Rukavac near Opatija. So many tourists visit this place, some because of food and some bacause of beautiful nature. 
In this few pictures I'm gonna show you tasty food we ate for this holiday!
Of course don't waste your time and visit soon as possible this great place of hedonism.
You can also rent a room, stay and enjoy a hole weekend :)

Pileća jetrena pašteta - Chicken liver pate 
Domaće masline - Homemade olives 
Salama sa tartufima - Salamis with truffle 
Džem od kapule i brusnica - Jam made of onions and cranberries

Juha od povrća i janjetine - Vegetable and lamb soup 

Janjetina pod pekom sa krumpirom i mladom kapulicom - Lamb under the lid with potatoes and young onions 

Krema od griza u umaku od naranče sa komadićima čokolade - The semolina cream in orange sauce with chocolate chips

Ciao belle! :*

Apr 19, 2014

Long time no see

Previše posla me odvlači od bloga.
U biti nakon cjelodnevnog buljenja u komp na kraju dana nemam toliku potrebu biti i pred svojim laptopom doma. 
Treba otići van, uživati u suncu, rekreirati se ili družiti. Ili možda otići u restoran na finu klopu u dobrom društvu, nazdraviti sa kojom čašom vina previše... Ali svakako uživati!
Naučiti cijeniti sebe i svoje slobodno vrijeme i ne dati nikome da ga pokvari ili bagatelizira.

Too much work, no fun and no blog.
After all day spent looking at my computer I really don't want to spend 1 more minute next to my laptop.
You just have to go out, enjoy the sun, friends. Or go to restaurant to grab some fine food and have a glass or two of good wine... but definitely enjoy! 
Learn to appreciate yourself and your free time and don't let anybody to ruin or waste it. 

That feeling when you take off your heels after a good night out :)

Blouse - H&M
Denim - Zara
Heels - Deichmann
Bag - BiteMyStyle by Zoran Aragović
Necklace - Accessorize
Watch - DKNY

Ciao belle! :*