Let's see what we had the 3rd day of this fashion show!
1. Ivana Popović
U ovoj kolekciji hlače postaju tunika i obrnuto, a mantili utočišta brojnih dama. Svi materijali su od lagane slojevite svile do čak i vunenih materijala. Inspirirana je nečim što se zove “kad ti mozak radi stihijski”. Vječna crna boja uz pokoje sive točkice i tamnoplavo-sive kombinacije postale su zaštitni znak Ivaninih kolekcija koje su vječno nosive.
In this collection pants are becoming tunic and vice versa, and coat is for many ladies sancutary. All materials are made of lightweight layered silk and even woolen material. She was inspired by something called "when your brain works randomly". Eternal black with occasional gray dots and dark blue-gray combinations have become a trademark of Ivana's collections that are wearable forever.
In this collection pants are becoming tunic and vice versa, and coat is for many ladies sancutary. All materials are made of lightweight layered silk and even woolen material. She was inspired by something called "when your brain works randomly". Eternal black with occasional gray dots and dark blue-gray combinations have become a trademark of Ivana's collections that are wearable forever.
2. Iggy Popović
Moda 80-ih je bila prijelomno razdoblje koje Iggy koristi kao motiv u kolekciji. Kao i uvijek veliki utjecaj su imale i glazbene ikone toga vremena. Materijali koje Iggy koristi su svileni muslin i pletivo. Iggy suprotstavlja i povezuje nepovezivo. Obožavatelj je modnog smjera "camp", pa ga i ovog puta provlači kroz kolekciju.
Fashion of the 80s was a turning point that Iggy used as a motif in this collection. As always a great impact also had musical icons of the time. Iggy uses material like silk muslin and knit. Iggy opposes and links unrelatable things. He's a fan of fashion direction called "camp", and this time it also runs through the collection.
Fashion of the 80s was a turning point that Iggy used as a motif in this collection. As always a great impact also had musical icons of the time. Iggy uses material like silk muslin and knit. Iggy opposes and links unrelatable things. He's a fan of fashion direction called "camp", and this time it also runs through the collection.
3. Tramp In Disguise
Kolekcija "Bed of Rosses" inspirirana je erom kasnog 18. stoljeća prije Francuske revolucije te Marijom Antoinettom kao muzom, a bazirana je na njezinom hrabrom odabiru odjeće i kreiranju vlastitog imidža. Koristi prepoznatljive printeve koji uključuju motive cvijeća, tjestenine, kolača, korzeta, čipke, kvaki i ručki za vrata iz tog perioda. Kolekcija nosi motive u jedinstvenoj paleti pastelnih boja uključujući različite tonove ružičaste, tirkizne, plave, ljubičaste, prljavo bijele, crne, tonova sive, azurne, narančaste i zelene. Raspon kolekcije sastoji se od haljina, kombinezona i samostalnih komada poput – jakni, suknji, hlača i pletiva, a luksuzni materijali korišteni za kolekciju uključuju svilu, pamuk i saten, kožu s printevima te pletiva.
Collection "Bed of Rosses" is inspired by the era of the late 18th centuries before the French Revolution and Marie Antoinette as a muse, and is based on her courageous choosing of clothes and creating her own image. Collection is using identifiable prints that include motifs of flowers, pasta, cakes, corsets, lace, knobs and pulls for doors from that period. Collection carries motifs in a unique palette of pastel colors including different shades of pink, turquoise, blue, purple, white, black, shades of gray, azure, orange and green. The range of the collection consists of dresses, jumpsuits and solo pieces like - jackets, skirts, trousers and knitted fabrics. Luxurious materials used for the collection included silk, cotton and satin, leather and knitted fabrics with prints.
Collection "Bed of Rosses" is inspired by the era of the late 18th centuries before the French Revolution and Marie Antoinette as a muse, and is based on her courageous choosing of clothes and creating her own image. Collection is using identifiable prints that include motifs of flowers, pasta, cakes, corsets, lace, knobs and pulls for doors from that period. Collection carries motifs in a unique palette of pastel colors including different shades of pink, turquoise, blue, purple, white, black, shades of gray, azure, orange and green. The range of the collection consists of dresses, jumpsuits and solo pieces like - jackets, skirts, trousers and knitted fabrics. Luxurious materials used for the collection included silk, cotton and satin, leather and knitted fabrics with prints.
4. Simone Manojlović
Kolekcija imena "Silent" sastoji se od muške i ženske odjeće. Inspiracija je arhitektura Le Courbusiera, skulptura Constantina Brancusia i filmovi Michelangela Antonionija. Početna točka kolekcije je fluidna silueta. Moda za žene s jakim osjećajem osobnog stila koje ne pridaju pažnju prolaznim trendovima. Stil nije samo način odijevanja, stvara ga način promišljanja, ponašanje i stav. Dekonstrukcija, nekonvencionalnost i androginost baza su kolekcije. Prirodne tkanine protežu se kolekcijom: pamuk, lan i juta. Suzdržanost, suptilnost, meke linije, tiha estetika karakterizira ovu kolekciju.
Collection named "Silent" consists of men's and women's clothing. Inspiration is the architecture of Le Courbusiera, sculpture Constantin Brancusi and films of Michelangelo Antonioni. The starting point of the collection is a fluid silhouette. This fashion is for women with a strong sense of personal style that doesn't attach to current trends. Style is not just a way of dressing, it creates a way of thinking, behavior and attitude. Deconstruction, unconventionality and androgyny are base of collection. Natural fabrics used: cotton, linen and jute. Restraint, subtlety, soft lines, quiet aesthetics characterizes this collection.
Collection named "Silent" consists of men's and women's clothing. Inspiration is the architecture of Le Courbusiera, sculpture Constantin Brancusi and films of Michelangelo Antonioni. The starting point of the collection is a fluid silhouette. This fashion is for women with a strong sense of personal style that doesn't attach to current trends. Style is not just a way of dressing, it creates a way of thinking, behavior and attitude. Deconstruction, unconventionality and androgyny are base of collection. Natural fabrics used: cotton, linen and jute. Restraint, subtlety, soft lines, quiet aesthetics characterizes this collection.
5. Ana Kujundžić
Svoje unikatne kolekcije uglavnom jakog kolorita, izrađuje doradom tkanina inovativnim tehnikama veza, printa i apliciranja. Kolekcijom dominiraju haljine od prirodnih materijala napravljene kombinacijom tehnika kolaža, crteža, fotografije i printa. Tamna podloga je aplicirana raznim isječcima tekstila tako da svaki model priča svoju priču.
Her unique collection of mostly bright colors creates with innovative fabric finishing techniques of embroidery, print and application. The collection featured dresses made of natural materials made by combining techniques of collage, drawings, photographs and prints. The dark surface had applied various clips of textiles so that each model tells its own story.
Her unique collection of mostly bright colors creates with innovative fabric finishing techniques of embroidery, print and application. The collection featured dresses made of natural materials made by combining techniques of collage, drawings, photographs and prints. The dark surface had applied various clips of textiles so that each model tells its own story.
6. Phannatiq
Ekološka modna marka koja cijele kolekcije radi od ekološko-održivih materijala. Svi komadi kolekcije su unikati koji su ručno rađeni. Phannatiqova kolekcija ima karakteristični urbani stil, a izvlači inspiraciju iz svoje ljubavi prema londonskom urbanom propadanju te ljudima nepoznatih profila koji zapravo čine esenciju svih većih europskih gradova. Koristi urbane motive, kolaže s motivima Londona i printeve otisnute na ručno bojenim tkaninama te precizne i detaljne krojeve. Androidno odijevanje naglašavaju klasični krojevi, hrabre strukture i odvažne siluete u njihovoj odrasloj, no ipak zaigranoj kolekciji. Materijali su poput organskog i neizbjeljenog bambusa te svile i pamuka koje se koriste kao baza kolekcije te elegantne detalje poput reciklirane kože i kore smokvinog drveta. Sam nastup i izgled modela jasno je odstupao od ostatka.
Eco-fashion brand that had the entire collection from eco-sustainable materials. All pieces of collection are unique and handmade. Phannatiq collection has a typical urban style, and draws inspiration from her love of London's urban decay and unfamiliar people that actually make the essence of all the major European cities. Usage of urban motifs, collages depicting London and prints printed on hand-painted fabrics and precise and detailed patterns. Android dressing emphasize classic cuts, bold structure and bold silhouettes in their adult, yet playful collection. Materials such as organic and unbleached bamboo and silk and cotton that are used as base of collection and elegant details such as recycled leather and cotex of the fig tree. Performance and appearance was clearly different from the rest.
Eco-fashion brand that had the entire collection from eco-sustainable materials. All pieces of collection are unique and handmade. Phannatiq collection has a typical urban style, and draws inspiration from her love of London's urban decay and unfamiliar people that actually make the essence of all the major European cities. Usage of urban motifs, collages depicting London and prints printed on hand-painted fabrics and precise and detailed patterns. Android dressing emphasize classic cuts, bold structure and bold silhouettes in their adult, yet playful collection. Materials such as organic and unbleached bamboo and silk and cotton that are used as base of collection and elegant details such as recycled leather and cotex of the fig tree. Performance and appearance was clearly different from the rest.
Ciao belle! :*