Essence je nedavno izdao LE Guerilla Gardening koja se sastojala od lip-creama, rumenila, lakova i puderića za nokte. Glavna okosnica su bile roza i zelena, osim kod rumenila gdje su u ponudi bile crvena i roza. Svježe, ljetno, žarko, baš kako volim u ovim ljetnim danima. Čini mi se da je cijena svih komada kolekcije bila 17,90kn.
Odlučila sam se za:
Lip Cream 01 Mission Flower
Matt Cream Blush 02 Floral Glam
Nail Effect Powder 01 I'm The Moss
Nail Effect Powder 02 Mission Flower
Isprobala sam sve osim navedenih puderića za nokte - ali budem i njih jer ionako nemam ništa pametno za raditi :)
Essence recently released Guerilla Gardening LE consisting of lip cream, blush, nail polish and nail powder. The main colors are pink and green, except for blushes with red and pink colors. Fresh, summery, bright, just how I like it in the summer. It seems to me that the price of all the pieces from this collection is 17.90 HRK.
I tried everything except the nail powders - but I'll try them soon cause I've nothing more important to do :)
Rumenilo izgleda zastrašujuće - kričavo crvena boja - pitala sam se da li bi itko lud to nosio?! Ali kada sam probala prstima i vidjela da ostavlja tek blago crvenkasti, "malo sam se zarumenila" finiš, morala sam ga imati. Nanosim ga prstima, lako se razmazuje, počnem s malom "dozom" pa nadograđujem koliko je potrebno, a potrebno je stvarno jako malo :)
Na ovim vrućinama se ne razlijeva s lica jer se u biti iz kreme pretvara u prah.
Sve u svemu, 2,5gr proizvoda u plastičnoj kutijici, za tako nisku cijenu - odlično!
Blush looks scary - bright red - I was wondering if there is anyone who would wear it?! But when I tried it with fingers and saw that leaves only slightly reddish, "I'm a little blushed" finish, I had to have it. Applying it with my fingers, it's easy to smear, start with a small "touch" and upgrade as needed, and trust me you need very little of it :)
At this heat it doesn't "leave" face cause it's "cream into a powder" blush.
All in all, 2.5g of the product in a plastic box, for such a low price - great!
*danje svijetlo
4ml proizvoda dolazi u njihovoj klasičnoj tubici s mekanim aplikatorom. Mogu reći da je boja u tubici jednaka onoj koja bude na usnama.
Na tubici piše da je lip cream, a u opisu još i "silky lip cream for a soft matt finish"
Baš neki mat finiš i nisam primjetila, očito je da i na suncu i pod umjetnim svijetlom postoji lagani odsjaj, ali me to ne smeta, jer me nijansa apsolutno oduševila - pravi ljetni hit! Lijepa hladna roza boja, ne prekričava, dovoljna da se napravi look samo s naglaskom na usne.
Ne isušuje usne i nema potrebe za nekom mazalicom prije stavljanja ovog lip crema. Ne upada u borice na usnama. Jednako blijedi, a čak izblijeđen izgleda ok na usnama. Svaka 2h sam ga dorađivala.
4ml products in their classic tubes with soft applicator. I can say that the color in the tube is equal to that which is on the lips.
On the tube says it's a lip cream, but further description says: "silky lip cream for a soft matt finish"
Didn't notice matt finish, in fact it's obvious that both under the sun and artificial light there is a slight glare, but that doesn't bother me, because I'm absolutely delighted with shade - summer hit! Nice cool pink shade, not too bright, enough to make look that's just focusing on the lips.
Doesn't dry lips and there is no need for some lip balm before putting this lip cream. No intrusion into fine lines on the lips. Equally pales, and even like that looks good on the lips. Every 2h I had to put new layer.
*danje svijetlo
*danje svijetlo
*umjetno svijetlo
*umjetno svijetlo
*umjetno svijetlo
*umjetno svijetlo
Vidite da se rumenilo uopće ne vidi? Tek moguće natruhe :)
Where is my blush? Only possible hint of it :)
Ciao belle! :*