Jul 23, 2013

Essence Guerilla Gardening LE / Review

Essence je nedavno izdao LE Guerilla Gardening koja se sastojala od lip-creama, rumenila, lakova i puderića za nokte. Glavna okosnica su bile roza i zelena, osim kod rumenila gdje su u ponudi bile crvena i roza. Svježe, ljetno, žarko, baš kako volim u ovim ljetnim danima. Čini mi se da je cijena svih komada kolekcije bila 17,90kn.

Odlučila sam se za:
Lip Cream 01 Mission Flower
Matt Cream Blush 02 Floral Glam
Nail Effect Powder 01 I'm The Moss
Nail Effect Powder 02 Mission Flower

Isprobala sam sve osim navedenih puderića za nokte - ali budem i njih jer ionako nemam ništa pametno za raditi :)


Essence recently released Guerilla Gardening LE consisting of lip cream, blush, nail polish and nail powder. The main colors are pink and green, except for blushes with red and pink colors. Fresh, summery, bright, just how I like it in the summer. It seems to me that the price of all the pieces from this collection is 17.90 HRK.

I tried everything except the nail powders - but I'll try them soon cause I've nothing more important to do :)

Rumenilo izgleda zastrašujuće - kričavo crvena boja - pitala sam se da li bi itko lud to nosio?! Ali kada sam probala prstima i vidjela da ostavlja tek blago crvenkasti, "malo sam se zarumenila" finiš, morala sam ga imati. Nanosim ga prstima, lako se razmazuje, počnem s malom "dozom" pa nadograđujem koliko je potrebno, a potrebno je stvarno jako malo :) 
Na ovim vrućinama se ne razlijeva s lica jer se u biti iz kreme pretvara u prah. 
Sve u svemu, 2,5gr proizvoda u plastičnoj kutijici, za tako nisku cijenu - odlično!

Blush looks scary - bright red - I was wondering if there is anyone who would wear it?! But when I tried it with fingers and saw that leaves only slightly reddish, "I'm a little blushed" finish, I had to have it. Applying it with my fingers, it's easy to smear, start with a small "touch" and upgrade as needed, and trust me you need very little of it :)
At this heat it doesn't "leave" face cause it's "cream into a powder" blush.
All in all, 2.5g of the product in a plastic box, for such a low price - great!

*danje svijetlo

4ml proizvoda dolazi u njihovoj klasičnoj tubici s mekanim aplikatorom. Mogu reći da je boja u tubici jednaka onoj koja bude na usnama. 
Na tubici piše da je lip cream, a u opisu još i "silky lip cream for a soft matt finish"
Baš neki mat finiš i nisam primjetila, očito je da i na suncu i pod umjetnim svijetlom postoji lagani odsjaj, ali me to ne smeta, jer me nijansa apsolutno oduševila - pravi ljetni hit! Lijepa hladna roza boja, ne prekričava, dovoljna da se napravi look samo s naglaskom na usne.
Ne isušuje usne i nema potrebe za nekom mazalicom prije stavljanja ovog lip crema. Ne upada u borice na usnama. Jednako blijedi, a čak izblijeđen izgleda ok na usnama. Svaka 2h sam ga dorađivala.

4ml products in their classic tubes with soft applicator. I can say that the color in the tube is equal to that which is on the lips.
On the tube says it's a lip cream, but further description says: "silky lip cream for a soft matt finish"
Didn't notice matt finish, in fact it's obvious that both under the sun and artificial light there is a slight glare, but that doesn't bother me, because I'm absolutely delighted with shade - summer hit! Nice cool pink shade, not too bright, enough to make look that's just focusing on the lips.
Doesn't dry lips and there is no need for some lip balm before putting this lip cream. No intrusion into fine lines on the lips. Equally pales, and even like that looks good on the lips. Every 2h I had to put new layer.

*danje svijetlo

*danje svijetlo

*umjetno svijetlo

*umjetno svijetlo

*umjetno svijetlo

*umjetno svijetlo

Vidite da se rumenilo uopće ne vidi? Tek moguće natruhe :)
Where is my blush? Only possible hint of it :)

Ciao belle! :*

Turquoise / Outfit

skirt - H&M
top - Gestuz
shoes - Spalatina BIO
earrings - gift from my granny <3
necklace, ring - Accessorize

Ciao belle! :*

Jul 20, 2013

Vogue Eyewear / New In

Jedna zanimljiva stvar koju ne znate o meni je i ta da nosim naočale za vid :) Još od četvrtog osnovne imam problema s vidom, bolje rečeno kratkovidna sam i apsolutno ništa ne vidim bez vidnih pomagala. Prije dvije godine (da, dosta kasno - u biti sam imala neke svoje ni meni jasne strahove i odbojnosti) prebacila sam se na leće i od tada samo njih nosim, dok mi naočale služe za "po doma", kad imam upalu oka (što se zna dogoditi jer ipak imam, koliko god bile lijepe, najosjetljivije oči - plave oči) i za učenje. Tako da taj okvir nije bio reprezentativan pogotovo jer sam ga imala još od početka fakulteta. 
Promjena dioptrije (doduše minimalna - jeeeij! :)) traži nova stakla, a to je i dobro vrijeme za promjenu okvira. Dioptrijski okviri mogu promijeniti cijeli imidž. Zato takva promjena meni dosta znači, a to se vidi prema tome kako svakih par godina kada se odlučim za promjenu (što i nije lako jer kombinacija novih stakla i okvira dođe jako puno, pa i ta materijalna strana dosta sputava) odabirem ono za što sam pred par godina govorila da definitivno neću ili da mi ne stoji :) Tako sam govorila da plastične okvire nikada neću imati... a vidjet ćete sa čime sam završila hahah

 Osjećam se kao druga osoba kada stavim nove okvire. Neki filing sazrijevanja, novih mogućnosti, novih razmišljanja... Da da, sve to proizlazi iz jednog okvira :)

Isprobala sam ih na tisuće, potraga je trajala skoro dva tjedna, ali tek kada sam ušla u optiku Šahini sam uspjela!
Meni su fenomenalni. Imaju svoju funkcionalnost, ali i odličan dizajn. Pripadaju novoj Vogue Eyewear kolekciji pa ako ste u potrazi svakako pitajte optičare i za ovu marku - ove godine imaju odličan izbor. Daju određeni chic dojam, nešto drugačije. Definitivno ovo više neće biti naočale za "po doma", njih ću nositi i vani kad zaželim drugačiji look.


One interesting thing  you don't know about me is that I'm wearing prescription glasses :) Since I was in elementary school I had vision problems, I'm short-sighted and absolutely can not see anything without visual help. Two years ago (yes, it's very late - in fact I had some fears and resentments I can't explain), I switched on the contact lenses, since then I only wear them and my glasses are for home usage, when I have a sore eye (which tends to happen because I have, as they may be beautiful, sensitive eyes - blue eyes) and for learning. So the frame was not representative, especially I had it since the beginning of college.
My diopters changed (although this time it's minimal moderation - jeeeij :)) so I needed new glasses, and this was a good time to change the frame. New frame on face changes the whole image of a person. Therefore, this change means a lot to me. Every few years when I decide to change frame (which is not easy cause the combination of new glass and the frame is very expensive) I select those which few years ago I said I definitely don't want :) So I said I'll never have plastic frames ... and you'll see what I ended up with hahah

I feel like a different person when I put new frame. Feeling of maturing, new opportunities, new thinking... Yes, this all arises from one frame :)

Tried thousands of them and pursuit lasted for nearly two weeks, but only when I entered the optics Šahini here in Rijeka, I succeeded!
I think they are phenomenal. Have its functionality, but also excellent design. They are from the new Vogue Eyewear collection, so if you're looking for new frames be sure to ask for this brand - this year they have a great selection. This frames give the impression of chic, something different. Definitely, they will be no more glasses "for home", I'll wear them out when I wish for different look.

Na Vogue stranici šifra ovog modela je: VO2748, Color Code W656
On Vogue website code for this frame model is: VO2748, Color Code W656

Kako izgledam s njima na nosu pokažem kada mi dođu od optičara koji ugrađuje moje nove oči :)
I'll show you how I look with them on my nose when they come from optician who is putting my new eyes in them :)

Ciao belle! :*

Jul 15, 2013

Bistro Fotić

Razlog zbog kojeg predstavljam ovaj preslatki restorančić je činjenica da sam u njemu proslavila diplomiranje. 
Bistro Fotić nalazi se u centru grada Zagreba, samo par minuta od Trga bana Jelačića i Zrinjevca, prava je oaza ukusne hrane, odlične posluge i predivnog ambijenta. Otvoreni pred par mjeseci, a već rasturaju u svakome pogledu. Pozitivna činjenica je i to da blizina Dolca garantira svježe namirnice svaki dan, a u meniju sam primijetila i dobru ponudu vegetarijanskih jela.
Prvi put kada sam bila, naručila sam pizzu. Ne sjećam se naziva, ali znam da je bila fenomenalna i ogromna (iako se radilo o maloj pizzi) tako da je na kraju nisam ni uspjela pojesti do kraja. U tom trenu sam se uhvatila razmišljajući kako bi ovaj bistro bio odličan za jednu proslavu i eto, nakon kratkog dogovaranja što bi se moglo ponuditi za taj dan, to sam i ostvarila.


The reason I present this cute little restaurant is the fact that I celebrated graduation in here.
Bistro Fotic is located in the center of Zagreb, just a few minutes from the main square and Zrinjevac, a true oasis of delicious food, excellent service and wonderful ambience. Opened a couple of months ago, and already they are rocking in every aspect. The positive fact is that closeness of market Dolac guarantees fresh food every day, and I saw good range of vegetarian dishes in the menu.
The first time I came, I ordered a pizza. I can't remember its name, but I know it was phenomenal and huge (although it was a small pizza) so in the end I didn't even managed to eat it. At that moment I caught myself thinking that this bistro would be excellent for a celebration, and so, after a brief consultation with stuff what could be offered that day, here's what I achieved.

Svježi sir poslužen s domaćim kruhom
Cottage cheese served with homemade bread

Pljukanci s rikolom i pršutom / Homemade Istrian pasta "pljukanci" with arugula and prosciutto
Takitosi sa bijelim umakom i salatom / Taqutos with white sauce and salad

Teleći medaljoni u umaku od gljiva sa kroketima
Veal medallions in mushroom sauce with croquettes

Torta koja slijedi nije iz bistroa Fotić već iz slastičarnice Amelie. Htjela sam crvenu tortu s višnjama, ali nažalost višnje nisu imali pa sam završila s malinama. Torta Valerie.
Da, jednako je fina kao što i izgleda ;)


Cake that follows is from pastry Amelie. I wanted a red cake with cherries, but unfortunately they didn't have them, so I ended up with raspberries. Cake Valerie.
And yes, it's just as fine as it looks ;)

Ciao belle! :*

Jul 13, 2013

Graduation Day / Outfit

Došao je i taj magičan dan. 9.7.2013. diplomirala sam i postala mag.pharm.
Uz puno stresa i nervoze, koji obično prate takve važne trenutke, a potom uz puno sreće, euforije i veselja dočekala sam završetak jednog poglavlja u mom životu. Bilo je teško, puno učenja i neprospavanih noći, ali sam upoznala divne ljude, naučila sam biti samostalna i ojačala na svim razinama.
Šta će mi budućnost donijeti ćemo tek vidjeti, ali nadam se pozitivnom iskustvu :)

A sad prijeđimo na ono što nas zanima. Odjeća i obuća.
Sjećate se Zarine haljine i cipela koje sam kupila na sniženju? E pa oni su bili glavni akteri u cijeloj ovoj priči. Tamnoplava boja mi postaje omiljena boja iako sam tek sada počela popunjavati ormar s njom. 
Drugi važni dio priče bila je frizura zbog koje sam dobila hrpu pohvala, a mogu je zahvaliti jedinoj i najdražoj frizerki Moniki iz frizerskog studija Signed by Monika. Došla sam na feniranje, a završila s punđom :) Vjerujte bio je pothvat spavati s njom na glavi (jer je friz rađen u ponedjeljak), ali Monika zna svoj posao i nije bilo šanse da se frizuri išta desi. Toliko je dobro napravljena da sam ju tek danas, nakon 5 dana, raspustila!! Čak je mentorica komentirala da sam ista Audrey Hepburn - meni je to kompliment nad komplimentima :)


Finally came that magical day. 9.7.2013 I graduated and became mag.pharm.
With a lot of stress and anxiety, which usually accompany such important moments, and then with a lot of happiness, euphoria and joy I welcomed the end of one chapter in my life. It was hard, a lot of learning and sleepless nights, but I've met wonderful people, learned to be independent and strengthened at all levels.
What will my future bring remains to be seen, but I hope for positive experiences :)

Now let's go to what interests us - clothing and footwear.
Remember Zara clothes and shoes that I bought on sale? Well, they were the main protagonists in this story. Dark blue is becoming my favorite color, although I've just started to fill closet with her.
Another important part of the story was a hairstyle for which I've gotten a bunch of compliments, and I can thank to one and only hairdresser Monika from hairdressing studio Signed by Monika. I came just to wash and blow my hair, and ended up with a bun :) Trust me, it was a hard to sleep with that on my the head (as the style was made on Monday), but Monika knows her job and there was no chance that anything could happen to hairstyle. It's so well done that, after 5 days, I loose my hair down! Even my professor commented I was looking like Audrey Hepburn - the best compliment ever! :)

Lilies in bouquet - my favourite flowers :)

dress - Zara
heels - Zara
purse - Mango
sunglasses - Police
earrings - Accessorize

Ciao belle! :*