Jun 17, 2013

Fiumanka / Outfit

Ove godine se nadaleko poznata regata održavala od 13. - 16. lipnja. Lijepo je gledati jedrilice u Riječkom zaljevu. Još je ljepše piti koktele, a potom izaći u grad koji je pun ljudi nakon dugo vremena. 
Toliko sam umorna da mi se ni ne da previše pisati. Uživajte u fotkama.


This year the famous regatta Fiumanka was held on 13 - 16th June. It's nice to watch boats in the Rijeka bay. It is even nicer to drink cocktails, and then, in a long time, go out in the city that is full of people. 
I'm so tired that I don't want to write too much. Enjoy the photos.

Plain cocktail with cool colour and great taste.
Fiorello Pub is definitely the best place in town for cocktails.

Woa! Where did this pineapple come from? Magic! :)
No, it's not. Barman is only in love with me hahaha

View from my window.

It was so hot and I hate my hair in ponytail but what else to do?

For night out you have to put your best heels and be sexy with your girlfriends ;)
P.S. Isn't my friend super hot? :)

dress - New Yorker
ballet flats - New Yorker
heels - Jessica Simpson
purse - X-nation
sunglasess - fake Ray Ban 
ring - Micica
watch - DKNY
bracelet - gift
earrings - gift

Ciao belle! :*

Jun 16, 2013

Festival Ritam s mora / Outfit

"Ritam s mora" novi je festival koji se od ove godine održava u Rijeci, točnije na Pećinama na plaži Grčevo i kod Pajol bara. Otišli smo malo prošnjufati što se to točno događa zadnje večeri, od 3 koliko ih se održavalo, kada je tema bio hip-hop. Nisam  baš neki fan hip-hopa, međutim te večeri sam zaista uživala u nastupima, a najviše su me dojmili Tone Tuoro i Marčelo & Filteri. Poslušajte ih! Mirna ljetna večer, zvjezdano nebo, plaža i more, hladno pivo u simpatičnoj čaši s logom festivala (koju sam ponijela doma :)) garancija su opuštanja koje svakome treba. Želim još ovakvih događanja u svome gradu!!


"Rhythm of the Sea" is a new festival that is, as of this year, held in Rijeka, more precisely on Pećine at the beach Grčevo near Pajol bar. We went to snuff around what exactly is happening. It was held for 3 days and the last night was hip-hop. I'm not a big hip-hop fan, but in fact I really enjoyed the performances, and I was mostly impressed with Tone Tuoro and Marčelo & Filters. Check them! Quiet summer evening, starry sky, the beach and the sea, a cold beer in a glass with the logo of the festival (which I've took with me :)) guarantee relaxation for everyone. I want more of these events in my city!

Moje nove mačkice! <3
Kittens! <3

denim - Drykorn
T-shirt - Zara
ballet flats - New Yorker
purse - X-nation
bracelet - gift

Ciao belle! :*

Jun 14, 2013

Underground Rijeka / Outfit

Prošlu subotu sam prisustvovala jednom zanimljivom obilasku. Mladi iz "Lista za Rijeku" su povodom nadolazećeg dana Sv.Vida organizirali obilazak tunela Dolac - Sv.Vid za sve mlade Riječane i Riječanke zainteresirane za baštinu i povijest svoga grada.
Riječ je o najvećem od 58 tunelskih skloništa kojima upravlja Grad Rijeka, odnosno od osamdesetak koliko ih pod nogama Riječana postoji. Građeno je od strane talijanske vojske, koja je zbog čuvanja tajnosti kao radnu snagu koristila radnike dovedene sa Sardinije i Kalabrije. Proteže se od Osnovne škole "Dolac" do katedrale Sv.Vida, a odvojci vode do zgrade Kanala Ri i riječkog zatvora. Vertikalno okno koje je služilo za ventilaciju, ali po potrebi i kao rezervni izlaz, može se vidjeti na parkiralištu Gomila. Zaista je istraživanje podzemne strane moga grada bila jedna zanimljiva avantura. Ispod zemlje je dosta hladno i mračno pa smo improvizirali sa lampicama s mobitela, a zbog blata na podu morali smo opreznije hodati da ne bi netko završio kao svinjica :) Vidjelo smo trule klupice na kojima rastu gljive, improvizirane wc-e, stalaktite u nastajanju, krevete u raspadnom stanju...
Nadam se da će još biti ovakvih projekata, a pogotovo da će se ovakva tura naći u ionako slaboj turističkoj ponudi moga grada. 


Last saturday I attended an interesting tour. Young people from "Lista za Rijeku" organized for the upcoming days of St.Vitus a tour of the tunnel Dolac-St.Vitus for all young citizens of Rijeka interested in the heritage and history of their town.
This is the largest of the 58 tunnel shelters operated by the City of Rijeka, and largest of the 80 tunnels that are under Rijeka. It was built by the Italian army, which has, due to confidentiality, used as manpower  laborers brought from Sardinia and Calabria. It stretches from the elementary school "Dolac" to the Cathedral of St.Vitus, and branch roads leading to the building of Kanal Ri and Rijeka prison. Vertical shaft that was used for ventilation, but if necessary, as a spare output, can be seen in the parking lot "Gomila". Indeed, researching the underground of my city was an interesting adventure. Below ground is quite cold and dark so we improvised with lights from mobile phones, and 'cause of the mud on the floor, we had to walk carefully or someone could end up as a pig :) We saw rotten benches on which grew mushrooms, improvised toilets, stalactites emerging from ceiling, rotten beds...
I hope there will be more projects like this, especially I hope for more tours in already weak tourism offer in my town.


U.N.P.A. znači Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea (Nacionalna Unija za protuzračnu obranu). To je institucija koja je gradila skloništa na području cijele Kraljevine Italije.
U.N.P.A. means Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea (National Union for the air defense). It's an institution that built shelters in the whole Kingdom of Italy.

T-shirt - American Vintage
denim - Drykorn
sneakers - Converse
bag - David Jones
bracelet - gift

Tko zna kuda vodi ovaj izlaz?
Who knows where this way out leads to?


Ciao belle! :*