Apr 30, 2013

Make-up and other cosmetics / New In & Review

Proteklih par tjedana sam nakupovala dosta kozmetike pa ću ovdje "ukratko" napisati što sam sve kupila!
Našlo se tu od dekorative do preparative, a kako još nisam zadovoljila svoju "to-buy" listu, ovakvih postova će biti još :)
Over the past couple of weeks I bought a lot of cosmetics and I will "shortly" write what I bought!
I haven't yet done all "to-buy" list, so these type of posts will be more often :)

1. Bioderma Sensibio Micelle Solution for Sensitive Skin, 500ml, 99.95kn, u ljekarnama
Ponestalo mi odstranjivača šminke pa sam odlučila po prvi puta probati micelarnu otopinu. Moram reći da sam i više nego zadovoljna. Da ne govorim kako peckanja očiju prilikom skidanja šminke više uopće nema. Zatezanje kože je minimalno - uglavnom osjećam kada mi je koža dehidriranija ili osjetljivija.
I ran out of makeup remover, so I decided to try micelle solution for the first time. I must say that I'm more than satisfied. Not to mention that I don't have burning eyes when removing makeup. Skin tightening is minimal - usually when I feel my skin is sensitive or dehydrated.

2. Kabuki Brush Look by Bipa, 34.90kn, Bipa
Iskreno, privukle su me boje. Roza i bijela kombinacija su mi baš proljetni đir. A onda me privukla činjenica da kabuki kist nemam i da bi bilo dobro započeti s jednom jeftinijom varijantom. Za sada se kist pokazao kao dosta solidan prilikom nanošenje rumenila i pudera u prahu. Tu i tamo izblendam s njim i tekući puder. Jako je mekan i nježan za lice. Pretpostavljam da će poslužiti i za nanošenje bronzera. Mana je da sam počela primjećivati da nekad pokoja dlačica ispadne.
Frankly, I was attracted with pink and white combination. Also the fact is I don't have the kabuki brush and I thought it would be a good idea to start with a cheaper option. For now, the brush proved to be quite solid in blush and loose powder. Here and there I blend with him foundation. It is very soft and gentle. I guess it will also serve to apply bronzer. Flaw - I began to notice that sometimes the occasional hair falls out.

3. Essence Studio Nails Anti Split Nail Sealer, 8ml, 15.90kn, DM
Nokti mi užasno pucaju i trebalo mi je nešto pod hitno što bi ih nahranilo. Essence proizvodi su mi vrlo često na vrhu drogerijske kozmetike. Jeftini su i podosta kvalitetni. Naravno da i oni imaju svojih 'fejlova', ali tko ih nema. Ovaj proizvod koristim već neka 3 tjedna i nokti mi se čine dosta čvrsti. Jedan nokat mi je pukao, ali samo zato jer sam zakačila za patent od torbe. Ostali su i dalje čitavi - za mene uspjeh! Nanosim ga u jednom sloju svaki dan, napravim 3-4 sloja, a zatim skinem pa sve ponovno. Nigdje ne piše da takav postupak treba biti, nego sam ja to tako zamislila hahaha :) Mana je da se vrlo brzo počne odvajat od nokta, pogotovo ako puno perem ruke ili suđe. Znam da to nije tipični lak, ali zna poprilično živcirat kad se dio sloja odigne od nokta.
My nails are breaking all the time and I urgently needed something that would feed them. Essence products are for me top cheap drugstore cosmetics. Good quality. Of course they have their fails, but who doesn't have them. Already using this product for 3 weeks and my nails are quite strong. One nail broke, but only because I hooked on the patent of bag. Others are still whole - for me that's success! Applying in one coat every day, do 3-4 layers, then remove it and do the same procedure again. Flaw is that it very quickly starts separating from nails, especially with a lot of  hand or dish washing. It quite annoys when part of a layer separate from nails.

4. Essence Studio Nails Nail&Hand Care Gloves, 1 par, 20kn, DM
Rukavice za njegu ruku su spasile moje hrapave i osušene ruke. Stanje je prije njih bilo alarmantno, perutanje kože, male ranice, ma katastrofa. I koliko god mazala ruke nikad nije bilo dovoljno! A onda sam uočila ove rukavice od pamuka i spandeksa i shvatila trik - nanijeti obilno kremu za ruke i bilo koji drugi proizvod za njegu noktiju (obično još nanesem i ulje za kožicu i nokte od Evelina), navući rukavice, otići spavati i  - voila! Imate lijepe i glatke ruke u roku dok si rekao 'noćni odmor'. Naime, rukavica pospješuje upijanje proizvoda u kožu i na taj način omogućuje bolje djelovanje svih proizvoda. Osim toga nema "gubljenja" proizvoda dok se diraju ostale stvarčice, sve se upije! Lako se peru u mašini na 40.
Mana je da su malene. Na moje, ajmo reć, normalne ruke još i stanu, ali bojim se da će za osobe koje imaju malo veću šaku biti pretijesne. Trebali su napraviti 3 veličine kao što se uostalom i normalne rukavice rade.
Hand care gloves have saved my rough and dried hands. Before them condition was alarming, skin flakes, small sores - disaster! And no matter how much cream I put it was never enough! And then I spotted these gloves made ​​of cotton and spandex and realized the trick - apply liberally hand cream and any other product for nail care (usually I apply Oil For Cuticles And Nails by Eveline), put gloves, go to sleep and - voila! Have a nice and smooth hands within few hours of beauty sleep. The glove enhances the absorption of the product into the skin and thus provides a better functioning of all products. In addition there is no "loss" of products while touching other items, everything absorbs! Easy to wash in the machine at 40 degrees.
Flaw- they are small. They fit on my normal hands, but I'm afraid that for people who have a little bigger hand they would be tight. They should make 3 sizes like normal gloves have.

5. GUAM Microcellulaire - Micro Cogico Dipalmitato - crema contro le macchie scure cutanee, 30ml, 124kn, biljne ljekarne
Hiperpigmentacija mi se javila prošlog ljeta i to na dosta nezgodnom mjestu - iznad usne. Cijelo ljeto sam izgledala kao da imam brčiće što baš i nije bilo ugodno pogotovo kad su me svi zezali. Ove godine sam odlučila to spriječiti. Prva stvar u borbi je ova krema za izbjeljivanje. Uzela sam je na preporuku magistre. Koristim je već mjesec dana i djeluje! Vidim da tamnije mrlje na nausnici više nema i vidim da je madež pored postao svjetliji nego što je bio prije korištenja. O njoj nešto više u slijedećem postu :)
Hyperpigmentation occured last summer on a pretty awkward place - above the lip. Throughout the summer I looked like I had the mustache and that was not so pleasant, especially when they all made ​​fun of me :) This year I decided to stop it. The first thing is whitening cream. I took the recommendation of pharmacist. I use it for a month now and it works! There is no dark spot on skin and the mole beside became brighter than it was before using. More in the next post. :)

6. iQ Foundation Brush, 44.90kn, Bipa
Kist za nanošenje tekućeg pudera. Sintetička dlaka, jako mekana. Dlake za sada ne ispadaju, ali ga ne koristim toliko dugo da bi se to dešavalo. S njim se jako dobro nanosi puder, ne upija previše tako da uglavnom sva korištena količina ostane na licu. 
Brush for applying liquid foundation. Synthetic hair, very soft. For now hair doesn't fall out, but I didn't use it for longer preiod of time. Very good brush, doesn't absorb it too much so almost all of the used amount remains on skin.

7. Manhattan Endless Stay Make-up - Porcelain 62, 30ml, 54kn, Bipa
Ovo mi je druga tubica. Toliko mi se sviđa da ne mogu to opisati! :) Nijansa je taman za moju blijedu put. Svaki puder koji bi probala mi je bio pretaman dok nisam naletila na ovu ljubav. Moć prikrivanja mu je odlična, prekrije svo crvenilo, prištiće, podočnjake i ublaži bilo kakvu diskoloraciju na licu. Ne isušuje kožu i ne začepljuje pore. Također ne izgledam kao sviježe opiturana fasada. Jedina mana je u tome da ga sad kad krenu više temperature neću moći nositi jer će se sav cijediti s lica (tako da krećem u potragu za ljetnim puderom - ako imate savjete slobodno komentirajte). Sve u svemu kvalitetan i cjenovno prihvatljivi tekući puder.  
This is my second tube. I love it! :) Shade is just right for my pale skin. Each powder that I tried was dark until I ran into this beauty. The power of concealing is excellent - covers all blemishes, pimples, dark circles and mitigate any discoloration on the face. Doesn't dry out the skin and doesn't clog pores. The only flaw is that now on higher temperatures I won't be able to wear it (next is search for summer powder - if you have advice feel free to comment). All in all, high-quality and cost-effective foundation.

8. Essence Nail Polish Corrector Pencil, 4.5ml, 12.90kn, DM
U biti je ovo olovka koja služi za odstranjivanje viška laka za nokte na kožici, noktu ili bilo gdje drugdje gdje nam lak smeta ili ne bi trebao biti. Mali korektor. Cvjetnog mirisa, sa dodatkom ulja jojobe. Također dolazi sa još 3 zamjenska štapića.
This is a pen that is used to remove excess nail polish on cuticles, nails, or anywhere else where polish should not be. A small corrector. Floral scent, with the addition of jojoba oil. It also comes with another 3 replacement sticks.

9. Essence Stay Matt Lip Cream, 4ml, 17.90kn, DM
a) Velvet Rose
b) Smooth Berry
c) Soft Nude
Oduševili su me pa sam naknadno kupila i treći :)
Ponešto o njima, kao i swatchevi, u idućem postu!
They thrilled me so I later bought the third one :)
Something about them, as well as swatches in the next post!

10. Catrice Prime&Fine Smoothing Refiner, 14gr, 41.90kn, Muller
Druga staklenka! Odlična baza za pudere. Dolazi u ovoj elegantnoj staklenoj posudici. Nemam potrebu prije nje stavljati kremu, već na čisto lice samo nanesem bazu i onda na to puder. Ne čepi pore i ne isušuje niti mi izaziva neke druge iritacije. Puder uz ovu bazu puno bolje sjeda na lice, ne skuplja se u borice, a da ne govorim da mu je postojanost puno duža. Kada se nanese ostavlja dojam baršunastog lica. Toliko je volim da me uhvati panika kad mi je pri kraju :)
The second jar! Excellent base for foundation. Coming in this elegant glass container. I don't need to put cream before, only clean face. Doesn't plug the pores and doesn't dry skin or cause other irritations. With this base foundation fits much better on your face, doesn't shrink in the wrinkles, not to mention that its duration is a lot longer. When applied gives the impression of velvety face. Love it so much I panic when I don't have it. :)

11. Catrice Eyebrow Set, 4gr, 33.90kn, Muller
Obični set za popunjavanje i održavanje obrva. Dvije nijanse, svijetlija i tamnija smeđa. U ovoj simpatičnoj crnoj kutijici se krije i ogledalce, mali aplikator za obrve te mala pinceta. Odličan i kao putni set!
Ordinary set for filling and maintaining eyebrows. Two shades - lighter and darker brown. In this cute black box is hidden mirror, a small applicator for eyebrows and small tweezers. Excellent as a travel set!

12. Catrice BB Allround Foundation - 010 Light Beige, 30ml, 49.90kn, Muller
Prva BB krema u mojoj make-up torbici. Privukla me činjenica da sadrži zaštitni faktor 30 i da mi nijansa paše licu. Prekrivanje je srednje, neka jača crvenila neće najbolje riješiti kao ni podočnjake, ali uz malo korektora sve to na kraju dosta dobro izgleda. Sama krema je lagana te se lako nanosi prstima (sa kistom mi nije išlo najbolje). Jako se veselim da je ispitam i na ljetnim vrućinama jer za sada na ovim proljetnim temperaturama jako dobro stoji tj nemam osjećaj "gušenja" kože niti bilo kakvog topljenja.
The first BB cream in my make-up bag. Attracted with the fact it contains SPF 30 and shade fits my skin tone. Coverage is medium, some redness as well as dark circles won't cover taht good, but with a bit of concealer it all looks good at the end. Cream is light and easy to apply with your fingers (didn't go well with a brush). I'm looking forward to exam it on the summer heat cause for now at this spring temperatures is holding very well, ie I don't have sense of "choking" skin or any melting.

13. Kuća Magične Trave Tonic Melisse, 200ml, ?kn, u biljnim ljekarnama
100% biohidrolat Melisse! Mama mi je uzela u ljekarni stoga neznam cijenu. Paše svim tipovima kože i može se koristiti za sva stanja kože, pogotovo je pogodan za neka crvenila i upale. Nanosim ga dva puta dnevno nakon što očistim kožu od šminke i zatim nanesem kremu. Ima specifičan miris koji mi je na početku smetao, a sad sam se čak i navikla i zanimljiv mi je :)
100% biohydrolate of Melissa! My mom took it at a pharmacy so I don't know the price. Fits all skin types and can be used for all skin conditions, especially suitable for some redness and inflammation. Apply it twice a day after cleaning the skin of makeup and then apply the cream. Has a specific smell that was itchy at start, but now its interesting. :)

14. Silverex Silver Soap, 100gr, 49.90kn, u ljekarnama
Također mama kupila, ali je na ovome ostala cijena :) Uglavnom nisam ga još koristila pa onda niti nemam dojmova, ali mi sve to zvuči kao "puno priče ni za što".
Also my mom bought it. :) Anyway I haven't yet used it so I don't have any impressions, but all of its description sounds like "a lot of blablabla".

15. Wella ProSeries Shampoo Colour, 500ml, 29.90kn, DM
Crvena boja kose traži i posebnu njegu tako da uvijek biram šampone na kojima je naznačeno da su za bojanu kosu. Dosta veliko pakiranje koje neću, čini mi se, nikada potrošiti hahah :) Ugodnog mirisa, a kosa je nakon pranja mekana, čista i podatna, da ne govorim koliko se sjaji :)
Red hair requires a special care so I always choose the shampoo which is meant to be for colored hair. Quite a big package that I won't spend hahah :) Pleasant smell, and after washing the hair, its soft and clean, not to mention how shiny is. :)

16. Wella ProSeries Leave In Balm Colour, 150ml, 29.90kn, DM
Ovo je balzam koji se ne ispire, a nanosi prskanjem na mokru kosu, od negdje sredine kose do vrhova, nikako ne direkt na korijen, i zatim umasira. Njeguje još bolje obojanu kosu, pogotovo vrhove. Ugodnog mirisa. Kako sam ga tek kupila i jednom nanijela nemam neke posebne dojmove.
This is the balm that is not washed but only sprayed on wet hair and then massaged, from the middle part to the ends (no way directly on the root).  Nourishes colored hair even more, especially the ends. Pleasant fragrance. As I just bought one and used it once, I don't have any special thoughts.

17. Batiste Dry Shampoo - Floral&Flirty Blush, 200ml, 29.90kn, DM
U slučajevima kada mi se ne da prati kosa, onda ovakvi šamponi dobro dođu. Nije još isproban.
In cases when I'm to lazy to wash hair these shampoos come in handy. Not yet tested.

18. Balea Creme-Ol Dusch Peeling - Indian Chai, 200ml, 12.90kn, DM
Božanstveni miris, nježni piling, ali prije svega božanstveni miris! :) Tako mi je žao da je LE tako da ću morati napraviti zalihe.
Smells good, gentle exfoliation, but most of all the divine smell! :) I'm so sorry this is the LE so I'll have to make a stock.

19. Balea Pflege Dusche - Čokolada i smokva, 300ml, 7.90kn, DM
Pala sam momentalno na miris čokolade. Sva kupaonica miriši nakon mog tuširanja. Kao da se kupam u kolačima!! Divan i jeftin! Također LE tako da kupite i uživajte dok možete :)
I fell immediately to the smell of chocolate. All of bathroom smells after my shower. Like swimming in cake!! Delightful and inexpensive! It's also LE so buy and enjoy while you can :)

20. Balea Aqua Augen Roll-on za oko očiju, 15ml, 23.90kn, DM
Okoloočno područje mi je dosta osjetljivo (kao i svima), pa sam odlučila napokon uzeti nešto što je namijenjeno samo za tu njegu. Ima metalnu kuglicu s kojom se ovaj krema/fluid lako umasira. Bit će i detaljnija recenzija!
My eye area is very sensitive, so I decided to finally buy something that is intended just for that. It has metallic ball so this cream / fluid is easily massaged. There will be a detailed review!

Što ste vi kupile u zadnje vrijeme? Neke druge preporuke?
Do you like cosmetics? Which one do you recommend?

Ciao belle! :*

Let's Get Physical

Proljeće je vrijeme kada većina cura i žena odluči dovesti se u red nakon zimskih mjeseci punih hrane, minimalne fizičke aktivnosti i slojevite odjeće koja ne otkriva baš puno o izgledu. I sada kako se ljeto bliži svi se sjete kupaćih i požele izgledati jednako dobro kao i tete s reklama. Iako je to stvarnost ipak mislim da bi zdrav život uvijek trebao biti prisutan i ne bi trebao biti tlaka ili period pred ljeto za dovođenje u formu nego stil života.
Upisala sam pilates, a u dane kada ga nemam trčim po Molo Longo. Živjela Rijeka i more! :) Nema ništa bolje od trčanja, a u blizini more i svježi morski zrak. 
Poseban režim prehrane nemam. Pazim da bude 5 obroka dnevno, ne pušim, ne pijem kavu, ne pijem gazirane sokove, ne jedem kruh i suhomesnate proizvode (osim mortadele koju stvarno volim). Sve više povrća imam na tanjuru, a posebno su mi drage razne salate lagano začinjene. Isto tako polako učim raditi maneštre na nonin način. Brzo, ukusno, hranjivo i zdravo.
Slatkog se nisam odrekla, niti smatram da se treba odricati bilo čega što volimo, samo treba paziti da nema pretjerivanja :)


Spring is the time when most girls and women decide to get back into shape after the winter months full of food, minimal physical activity and layered clothing that does not reveal much about appearance. And now that the summer time is knocking at our doors we all remember our bikins and we all want to look as good as model on commercials. While this is true, I still think that a healthy lifestyle should always be present and it should not be pressure or period of time before the summer.
I started pilates twice a week, but when I don't have it I run around Molo Longo. I love Rijeka! :) There is nothing better than running with fresh sea air breezing on my face.
I have no special diet. I am careful to have 5 meals a day, don't smoke, don't drink coffee, don't drink soda, don't eat bread or dried meat products (except mortadella which I really like). I have more vegetables on plate, especially salads. Also, slowly learning to cook minestrone grandma's way. Fast, delicious, nutritious and healthy.
I didn't give up on sweets, nor I believe that we should reject anything we like... Just make sure that there is no exaggeration. :)

Moja oprema / My sporty outfit:
1. torba/bag- edc by Esprit
2. T-shirts - Adidas
3. hlače/pants - WGW
4. tenisice/sneakers - Reebok
5. sportski grudnjak/sport bra - H&M
6. znojnici/wristbands - Adidas

Naravno bez boce pune vode nigdje, ali trenutno imam neku privremenu plastičnu bocu koja mi ne valja te se spremam za kupnju staklene boce ili plastične koja nema štetnih sastojaka (kao što su Flaška ili Equa - em su korisne em su simpatičnog dizajna) :)
Također ovom popisu treba dodati i mobitel koji mi pravi društvo kao mp3 player dok trčim!
Of course don't go anywhere without a full bottle of water. Temporary I've plastic bottle that is not good at all and I'm ready to buy glass or plastic bottle that has no harmful ingredients (such as Flaška or Equa -  useful and likeable design) :)
Also this list should contain the cell phone which keeps me company as an mp3 player while I run!

Kako se vi rekreirate? Imate li posebni režim prehrane?
How do you recreate? Do you have a special diet?

Ciao belle! :*

Apr 26, 2013

Get Lucky / Outfit

Ova stvar mi je odlična. Pravi ljetni hit!
Par fotkica od zadnjih par dana. 
Sunce piči, more zove... Ali more je varljivo. Potočala sam noge i mogu reći da je još uvijek ledeno iako se par optimista čak i kupalo dok sam ja jaukala koliko je hladno :)


This piece is great. A real summer hit!
Couple photos of the last few days.
Sun is getting warmer, sea is calling... But the sea is tricky. I dipped my legs and I can say that it's still freezing though few optimists even bathed while I moaned how cold is :)

majica/t-shirt - Bershka
hlače/pants - H&M
tenisice/sneakers - Converse
remen/belt - Takko
sunčane/sunnies - fake Ray Ban Wayfarer

I love my new H&M pants I bought at mid-sale!

Kupila sam ovaj prsten pred jedno 7 godina sebi na poklon. Od tada se ne razdvajam od njega i gotovo uvijek je na ruci!
I bought this ring 7 years ago as a gift to myself. Since then, I don't separate from it, and is almost all the time at my hand!

majica/t-shirt - Calliope
hlače/pants - H&M
balerinke/ballet flat shoes - no name
torba/bag - David Jones
ogrlica/necklace - gift
naušnice/earrings - Accessorize
prsten/ring - Fossil

Ciao belle! :*

Apr 25, 2013

Catrice Ultimate Colour Lipstick 010 and 160 / Review

Catrice mi je već dosta dugo moj omiljeni make-up brend drogerijskog ranga. Niska cijena, dosta dobra kvaliteta, široki izbor proizvoda... što više poželjeti!
Odlučila sam ulagati u ruževe za usne pošto istima oskudijevam. 
Danas predstavljam ove dvije ljepotice:
1. Catrice Ultimate Colour 010 Be Natural!
2. Catrice Ultimate Colour 160 Tell Me A Berry-tale


Catrice is quite a while my favorite make-up brand. Low price, pretty good quality, wide range of products... What more can you ask for!
I decided to invest in the lipsticks because I only have one.
Today I present these two beauties:
1. Catrice Ultimate Colour 010 Be Natural!
2. Catrice Ultimate Colour 160 Tell Me A Berry-tale

Ambalaža je crna, s prozirnim donjim dijelom te izgleda baš elegantno, a i dosta čvrsto!
Proizvod sadrži 3,8g ruža što je za cijenu od 35kn i više nego dovoljno i prihvatljivo.
Rok trajanja je 36 mjeseci od otvaranja. 


The packaging is black, with a transparent bottom and it looks very elegant, and quite tight!
The product contains 3.8g of lipstick which is for a price of 35kn more than enough and acceptable.
Expires 36 months since the opening.

Kao što vidite bila sam nestrpljiva probati svoju njud nijansu pa je ruž malo zamrljan :)
As you can see, I was eager to try my nude shade and lipstick smudged a bit :)

Boje su predivne. Upravo onakve kakve sam tražila.
Sami ruževi su kremasti s laganim sjajnim finišem. Odlično sjednu na usne, nema osjećaja zatezanja nakon nekog vremena i ne isušuju ih.
Postojanost je dosta dobra. 
160 sam nosila na ručku i izdržao je cijelo vrijeme dok smo objedovali i pili. Tek sam na kraju ručka popravila. Postao je blijeđi pa sam stavivši samo jedan sloj povratila sjaj. Ne preporučam ljubljenje s njim jer mi je dečko izgledao kao klaun hahaha :)
010 je njud pa se toliko i ne skuži kad se počne skidati. Imala sam potrebu svako malo gledati u ogledalu i popravljati ga - osjećala sam se "golo". Navikneš se na taj filing u međuvremenu.


The colors are beautiful. It was just what I was looking for.
Lipsticks are creamy with a slight glossy finish. Great on the lips, no sense of tension and they don't dry them.
Persistence is quite good.
160 I wore for lunch and lasted the whole time while I dined and drank. At the end of lunch it became paler, so I just put one layer and recovered its glow. I do not recommend kissing with it because my boyfriend ended looking like a clown hahaha :)
010 is nude and you can not figure out when it starts to take off. Had a need to look in the mirror every now and then and fix it - I was feeling "naked". Get used to that in the meantime.

Za nošenje treba imati njegovane usne, što znači da je korištenje balzama za usne i pilinga ( može i obično lagani piling ručnikom nakon pranja lica/zubiju) must have, pogotovo ako se odlučite za ovu bordo nijansu. Nikako neće izgledati dobro na nenjegovanim, ispucalim ili izgrizlim usnama. Uostalom to vrijedi za sve ruževe.


To wear it you should have a nurtured lips, which means using the lip balm and peeling (a normal light scrub with a towel after washing your face/teeth) is must have, especially if you opt for this shade of bordeau. Certainly it won't look good on the uncared, chapped, or bitten lips. After all this is true for all lipsticks.

Catrice Ultimate Colour 160 Tell Me A Berry-tale:
Jedina mana ove nijanse ruža je da su je diskontinuirali iz proizvodnje :( 
Na njega sam naletila u nekom Kozmu, a sada kada tražim ga više nigdje ne mogu naći. Na postolju postoji mjesto za nijansu, ali je uvijek prazna. A uočila sam i na njihovim internet stranicama da ova nijansa više nije ponuđena. Tješim se činjenicom da ga ne nosim svaki dan i da ću sigurno još dugo dugo uživati u njemu!


The only downside of this shade of lipstick is that it was discontinued from production :(
I found it in a local drugstore, but now when I look for it - can't find it! And I noticed on their website that this shade is no longer offered. Comfort myself by the fact that I'm not wearing it daily, so I'll definitely have a long long time to enjoy it!

p.s. Zanemarite ovaj namrgođeni pogled - sunce mi je užasno smetalo :)
p.s. Ignore this frown look - the sunshine was annoying :)

 Mislim da je sasvim jasno koliko mi se sviđa kada ga nisam mogla prestati fotkat :)
I think it's quite clear how much I like it when I could not stop taking photos :)

Catrice Ultimate Colour 010 Be Natural!:
Treba paziti da se prije ne nanese balzam za usne jer se onda razlijeva po usnama i nakuplja u boricama. Uostalom to ćete vidjeti i na fotkama. Kod 160 to nisam napravila jer sam nju prvu isprobala, a nakon skidanja ruža uvijek stavim balzam pa sam tako i napravila pogrešku.
Sama nijansa je predivna, a mislim da će mi još bolje stajati kad mrvicu nabacim boju.


Should be careful not to apply lip balm before cause it pours on the lips and accumulates in wrinkles. You'll see that in these photos. For 160 I didn't do that cause I was first tested, but after removing it I put lip balm (as usual) and so I made ​​a mistake.
It's a beautiful color, and I think it will even better stand on me when I go sunbathing.

Koja vam se nijansa više sviđa?
Ili imate neki drugi ruž koji vas je fascinirao?
What shade do you prefer?
Or you have another lipstick that is fascinating?

Ciao belle! :*